How Far Gratitude Can Go?
How Far Gratitude Can Go? OR taking a step back, do we need to talk about GRATITUDE? As they say, it is DAMN EASY to feel GRATEFUL when LIFE IS GOOD but WHEN disaster strikes, GRATITUDE is worth the effort. This CAN'T be farther from the truth. THAT when life is going well, GRATITUDE allows us to celebrate and even magnify the goodness. BUT what about when life goes on a downturn and goes badly? The recent pandemic is a classic case and we can count through our fingers as to HOW MANY people were ever [IF AT ALL] manifesting GRATEFULNESS as that pandemic persisted for three yearsπππUnder such dire circumstances, I am quite certain we will be drowned with 'NAYs' but hey, according to psychologists, it is precisely under those 'CRISIS CONDITIONS' when we have the most to gain by a GRATEFUL perspective on life. In the face of demoralization, GRATITUDE has the power to energize usπππIn the face of BROKENESS, GRATITUDE has the power to heal. In the face of DESPAIR, GRATITUDE has the power to bring hope. In the shortest word, GRATITUDE can help us cope even or especially in HARD TIMES. A quick clarification though. I'm not implying here that GRATITUDE will come easily OR naturally in a crisis. On the other hard, it will be DAMN HARD because human nature tells us that it is EASY to feel GRATEFUL for the GOOD THINGS. No one feels GRATEFUL that they lost a job or a home or good health or has taken a devastating hit in his business foraysπππNow, before we get mixed up, please allow me to make a distinction between FEELING GRATEFUL versus BEING GRATEFUL. And let's face it, we DON'T have total control over our emotions. We CAN'T easily will ourselves to feel GRATEFUL, less depressed or happy. Feelings follow from the way we look at the world, thoughts we have about the way things are, the way things should be, and the distance between those two points. BUT BUT BUT, being GRATEFUL is a choice, a prevailing attitude that endures and is relatively immune to the GAINS & LOSSES that flow in and out of our lives. When disaster strikes, GRATITUDE provides a perspective from which we can view life in its entiretyπππTRIALS & SUFFERINGS can actually refine and deepen GRATEFULNESS if we allow them to show us NOT to take things for granted. We have a family friend who went through the ordeal of her breast cancer illness and endless rounds of chemotherapy. Long story short, she has 'miraculously' survived her health ordeals and when we ever spoke to her these days, her GRATEFULNESS was so consistently manifested all over her life till now. Indeed, when times are GOOD, people take prosperity for granted and begin to believe that they are invulnerable. In times of UNCERTAINTY, though, people realize how powerless they are to control their destiny. This is HOW FAR GRATITUDE CAN GO, dude✅✅✅No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Have You Hit Your GROWTH CEILING Yet?
Have You Hit Your GROWTH CEILING Yet?
Have You Hit Your GROWTH CEILING Yet? Well, everyone wants GROWTH. Whether it's the GROWTH of your academic performance, your work performance, the state of health of your relationship[s], your business revenue, your profit and even your social media network, these are all part of our human aspirations BUT the truth of the matter is that, regardless of one's GROWTH trajectory, at some point, you will be hitting your CEILING⏳⏳⏳Before we put the cart in front of the horse, let's dig farther how can we detect if we did hit our GROWTH CEILING, whether in our personal life or even in your business forays? Primero, DO YOU KEEP SPINNING THE WHEEL WITHOUT GAINING TRACTION? Surely, some of us went through that situation. Let's take the case of an aspiring basketball player who spends hours and hours in his shooting exercisesπππAfter that hoopster managed to hit an average of 20 points per game, relentlessly he never stopped his day-in day-out shooting trainings YET after so many months, his average points per game was NOT off his 20-point mark. A concrete case of HITTING YOUR CEILING and NOT gaining traction. Think of those situations that you seem to be on the same level for a long timeπππOR when it's regard your set goals, have you been UNABLE to reach your goals in a certain area, month after month out OR year in year out? OR do you lack a clear vision for WHAT life will look like after you finally get the momentum going in a certain area? OR if you're running a business or organization, do you feel that you've LOST CONTROL❓❓❓Our takeaway for today tells us that if indeed you realized you HIT YOUR CEILING, it does NOT follow that that's the farthest you can go. Instead, it may imply that you need to go back to your DRAWING BOARD, re-strategize, re-plan, re-plot. Just DON'T STOP & GIVE UP because the GOOD NEWS is that your GROWTH CEILING is way beyond what you thought all along❗❗❗
Monday, February 12, 2024
How THANK YOU Matters
How THANK YOU Matters
HOW THANK YOU MATTERS will keep us tied up the next 5 minutes or so BUT I hope that's the best utilized 5 minutes ever for us. Oh, we were all taught to be courteous and say THANK YOU so, from our childhood all the way to our adulthood, saying THANK YOU was part and parcel of our demeanor, habits and character all rolled into one. Not so fast thoughπππOur CONSCIOUS Versus UNCONSCIOUS Mind
How are we going along during all our hours we're awake? Very likely, almost everyone is either engaged on his tasks and/or activities and only a slim number will admit they are idle and that even their minds are that idle. This is where we need to have a much deeper appreciation of Our CONSCIOUS Versus UNCONSCIOUS Minds⚓⚓⚓As per all these collaterals, our CONSCIOUS MIND can be said to be everything which we are currently aware of. WHEREAS the UNCONSCIOUS MIND is everything that makes us WHO we are that we are NOT aware of. And this could include such things as our memory BUT it could also extend to our awareness of our physical self. A common way of explaining the relationship between our CONSCIOUS and UNCONSCIOUS minds is the metaphor of the iceberg wherein where you see the tip of the iceberg, you're seeing only 10% of what is there. The rest is below the surfaceπππ
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Should We Be More CURIOUS?
Should We Be More CURIOUS?
Should We Be More CURIOUS? Too bad the old school taught us that CURIOSITY is for the kids, the non-adults. BUT numerous studies have shown that the BENEFITS of CURIOSITY cuts across both children and adults alike with the benefits linked with psychological, social, emotional and even health benefits. BUT in the past, we were [wrongly] told that the benefits of CURIOSITY is limited to the intellectual sideπΆπΆπΆSurprisingly, the results of studies listed benefits that DIDN'T require huge efforts to be exerted. LIKE CURIOSITY helps us survive. THAT urge to explore helps us remain vigilant and gain knowledge about our constantly changing environment. LIKE CURIOSITY makes people are happier. Researches have shown that CURIOSITY has always been associated with HIGHER levels of positive emotions, LOWER levels of anxiety, MORE satisfaction with life and greater psychological well-beingπππLIKE CURIOSITY boosts achievements. Studies reveal that CURIOSITY leads to more enjoyment and participation in school and higher academic achievement as well as greater learning, engagement, and even performance at work. It may seem like common sense, BUT when we are more CURIOUS, it is easier to get involved, to put effort inπππLIKE CURIOSITY can expand our empathy. When we are CURIOUS about others and talk to people outside our usual social circle, we become better able to understand those with lives, experiences, and worldviews different than our own. LIKE CURIOSITY helps strengthen relationships. There was one study which asked strangers to pose and answer personal questions and they found out that people were warmer if they showed CURIOSITYπππLIKE CURIOSITY improves healthcare. Research suggests that when doctors are genuinely CURIOUS about their patients' perspectives, both doctors and patients report LESS anger and frustration and instead, make BETTER decisions, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of a medical treatment. Indeed, there are one too many INTANGIBLE benefits that should be more than enough reason for us all to be constantly MORE CURIOUS than ever✅✅✅
Quit While You're Ahead
Quit While You're Ahead
Have you ever achieved a PERSONAL BEST and then relaxed a bit afterwards, nit pushing yourself? If so, WHAT are the implications of such behavior on your future performance? Let's listen around and with the best intentions, we would hear: i WANT TO BE A BETTER RUNNER. I WANT TO BE A BETTER BIKER. I WANT TO BE A BETTER STUDENT. Good enough, there are quantitative performance measures that will tell us HOW good are we at something. These quantitative ratings help us think about HOW to develop things like goals to push us to become better, to improve ourselves. BUT let us NOT get lost with this reminder that where possible, Quit While You're Aheadπ΄π·π΅
BUT here's the 'BIG BUT'. It's really a tricky process to figure out what the right GOAL is to set for yourself. GOALS are the double-edged sword. They're double-edged in the sense that they can be motivating. If you're just short of a GOAL, you're going to put in some effort to surpass it. BUT once you surpass it, it becomes demotivating, so you tend to take your foot off the gas pedal. So that's the bind. Question is, how can we hurdle that? So what's our take? Consider CALIBRATED GOALS along the wayπππ
If a personal-best GOAL seems too easy, you're going to surpass it quickly. It will be RESET. If it's too difficult, well, it's never really too difficult in the sense that you've achieved it before, so it's definitely within the realm of possibility. And so, WHAT we do is we show that this operates as a GOAL in the manner that it's motivating WHEN you're just short of it and demotivating WHEN you just pass itπππ
There have been many common stories when somebody is trying to reach a personal GOAL, there's that level of COMPETITION from people WHO want to succeed. So, if somebody has reached the GOAL and they take a break, do they lose that level of COMPETITION? That's the thing because by the time one reaches that level, one tends to be excited and one may NOT want to taper off, so the tendency is to STOP!@#$%?
One thing concluded by various studies is that people have surmised that maybe is the wrong thing to do considering you're at your BEST level [when you quit]. BUT this is when one should be playing, that kind of counter-intuitive attitude. What perplexes me are some of the SUCCESS STORIES who kept pursuing their personal best even after they've gotten there. Point is, much as we DON'T want to lose that competitive nature, weigh things if QUITTING WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD is an option✅✅✅
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Are 'MICRO HABITS' Relevant?
Are 'MICRO HABITS' Relevant?
Are 'MICRO HABITS' Relevant? To quote American author John Maxwell: 'YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE YOUR LIFE UNTIL YOU CHANGE SOMETHING YOU DO DAILY'. The very enticing thing about MICRO HABITS is that most, in fact all of them, entail small efforts but the results could be HUGE or GREAT. That's the thing about MICRO HABITS, they seem insignificant on their own BUT they can drive a huge difference in our lives. Plus, MICRO HABITs require very little commitment to breaking a BAD HABIT and becoming a powerful tool for starting NEW HABITsπ΄π·π΅Thing is, we CAN'T rely on WILLPOWER alone to get us through procrastination and help us achieve great things in life. WILLPOWER is finite, and it fades AS NIGHT FALLS. So, in order to achieve great things in life, we must establish systems and HABITS that support our journey toward meaningful GOALS. So, let's go to rattle off the MICRO HABITS that are now our LOW-HANGING FRUITSπππ
How Far Can Our SELF-DISCPLINE Go? Oh well, SELF-DISCIPLINE is more about HABITS than genetics. And for people who are fully aware of their SELF-DISCIPLINE issues, studies show that most of them are into that problem NOT for the lack of desire or motivation. The reason we do struggle to be more DISCIPLINED isn't a moral failing or faulty genes. Instead, it is our BAD HABITS that seem to interfere with our natural ability to be DISCIPLINEDπ΄π·π΅So, if we want to be more SELF-DISCIPLINED, we need to learn to identify the GOOD habits. And as studies show, SELF-DISCIPLINE won't be far behind. HOW? Primero. RELY ON YOU WILLPOWER. People with rock solid SELF-DISCIPLINE understand that WILLPOWER is the very last resort. The analogy here is the car's emergency brake. That is NOT a must-have. In fact it is NICE TO HAVE but if we are in serious trouble, that's your lifelineπππWord of caution though. WILLPOWER should NEVER be our primary strategy for accomplishing difficult things. SELF-DISCPLINED people understand that there are far more effective strategies for staying committed to challenging GOALS and TASKS. The Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius was widely quoted YOU HAVE POWER OVER YOUR MIND, NOT OUTSIDE EVENTS. REALIZE THIS, AND YOU WILL FIND STRENGTH. And Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher said: THE FIRST AND BEST VICTORY IS TO CONQUER SELFπππSometimes [and probably MANY TIMES], emotions will come into play. Because more often, managing [a.k.a. CONTROLLING] our emotions is much tougher. BUT learning to effectively lead oneself [and even others] will all come down to DISCIPLINE. Happiness, success and fulfillment stem from FOCUS and SELF-CONTROL✅✅✅Friday, February 9, 2024
Heard of COGNITIVE RESERVE? Nope, not until I stumbled across that piece from Harvard Medical wherein their researchers described individuals with no apparent symptoms of dementia WHO nonetheless were found at autopsy to have brain changes consistent with Alzheimer's disease BUT their question is WHY they did NOT show symptoms of the disease while they were alive because they had a large COGNITIVE RESERVE to offset the damage to their brainπ΄π·π΅As I am NOT even a novice in the medical field, in layman's terms, COGNITIVE RESERVE is defined as our brain's ability to improvise and find alternative ways of getting a job done. So, this puts emphasis in the ability of our brain to be AGILE to solve problems and cope with challenges. So how is COGNITIVE RESERVE developed? As per Harvard Medical, it is developed by a lifetime of EDUCATION + CURIOSITYπππHarvard Medical highlights that our brain health involves lifestyle changes based on these cornerstones:
Does BODY LANGUAGE Matter? Yes dude, absolutely. As we DON'T just communicate with words, we also communicate with HOW we hold ourselves, our facial expressions, our hand gestures and more. In fact, there are times when we are oblivious that we are, in fact, communicating via our body language even if keep mumπ΄π·π΅Now for the sad part. Still, many people DON'T always verbally communicate WHAT they mean. And no, this DOESN'T necessarily mean they are lying. In reality, it might just mean they AREN'T the best at verbal communications [BTW, none of us is perfect!]. The question I received once before was, IS THERE A WORKAROUND for this disconnect? Yes there are workaround but NOT to forget, we can only CONTROL what we canπππSo, this tells us that learning the different types of NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS can take us far and help us avoid or deter miscommunications OR misinterpretations in our interactions. Interestingly, BODY LANGUAGE varies from culture to culture. When I lived in India for eleven months, I made sure I was familiar enough as I DON'T want to cause a disconnectπππWhen talking about reading BODY LANGUAGE, psychology is probably the first thing that pops into our minds. NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION gives us clues into a person's psychology and WHAT they are truly thinking, no matter WHAT they might be VERBALLY communicating. Now, there will be times we get 'MIXED SIGNALS'✅✅✅So, how do we handle if we get those 'MIXED SIGNALS'? No harm to ask someone WHAT they are thinking. Straight and direct is definitely the way to go over making assumptions that could result in a disagreement, or worse, confusion. So, yes, BODY LANGUAGE matters till today❗❗❗Straight from my thought processes...
How WORDS Matter In Life?
How WORDS Matter In Life? Quite often, people would shrug off WORDS as just WORDS . Some would even add weight to it by calling it empty WO...
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