No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
BRICK by BRICK is the Way to Go
Friday, January 15, 2021
A Gift and a Curse
A Gift and a Curse
🎐We all cherish gifts and we all loathe curses but here's the catch, some things in life can be both a gift and a curse. Take it or leave it, that's the stark reality. How many times have we gave out all we can squeeze out from our own self, wanting to accomplish so bad that you'll really do anything even it means hurting yourself in the long run. These are the very hallmarks of success stories in sports, boxing and basketball being the most common arena where we stumble across those sports heroes whose contagious discipline we always wanted to replicate in us.So, I guess this is the last debate that can ever happen, debating whether our mind is both a gift and a curse because it really is. That is our command center, our control tower and in our moments of turmoil, our mind is our very war room. Even beyond the nerves which go straight to dictate both our behavioral and even our involuntary acts, we may be aware of just 5% of our cognitive activity and yet that doesn't undervalue the essential need for us to tighten our hold on our minds simply because of its very peculiarity that it can be either our 'greatest ally or our worst enemy' because most of our successes and even fumbling acts are all traceable to our mind.This explains why we always end up full circle either lucid and coherent or the next moment be as confused and lost. And the game changer or game wrecker could be a judgment call that bordered on being coherent till it tilted to become that incomprehensible and incoherent.How do we get out of this quandary ? Let's go back to basics by always listing all the options we have at hand, comparing them 'apples to apples' and give yourself a deadline for that decision point. When things are kinda iffy, sleep on it and when you wake up, voila, grapple with the variables and decide on it
Bottomline is, if you need to fix things. go and fix it because all that matters is that you gotta turn your life around.Some lives are in limbo, some get stalled, some are in a 'state of stupor'. Either way, you don't deserve that downward trajectory of your life. You gotta do what it takes, even if it all boils down to taking a "U Turn", admitting your fault and rectifying it, in no mean terms.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Catching That 'SECOND WIND'
Try throwing in the towel and you would feel hitting the seabed, that rock bottom. What's summoning you will be a performance that warrants to nudge the rationale ouf of the window for a moment. And if there's a mob of hecklers out there, NEVER pay attention to the outside because they're not inside in the first place.
Anything else you need ? It's your adrenalin, it's your final push and nothing less. Just be glued at that FINISH LINE, enough for you to [finally] empty your tank. And one last stumbling block you gotta hurdle is nothing but a four-letter word spelled F-E-A-R. When you FEAR to fail, where you FEAR to fail, that will be the last nail on the coffin. Go and dump out that 4-letter word because that's nothing but rubbish, with no value-add as you go for your last gasp. GO for it !!!Sunday, January 10, 2021
When all the marbles are on the line...
When all the marbles are on the line...
❗When all the marbles are on the line, what happens next ? You then confront yourself whether you will attempt or not. Attempt and you might fail. Don't attempt and absolutely you won't fail. Would you rather not attempt so that surely you won't fail, really ?Or will you take the plunge when all the marbles are on the line, when the next option left for you is a far second ? And a third option is much farther down ?
We have had so many mentors even in modern history, all harping on the obvious. Nelson Mandela, the famous South African democratic leader pitched and preached that there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than what you are capable of living.Take this barbershop story. You can fail and fail and fail over and over again but if you hang around in the barbershop for quite sometime, sooner you get a haircut. Lesson here ? Eventually you will catch a break. Sometimes, failure is the best way to figure out where you're going. The chances you take, the people you meet, the people you love, that's what's going to define you. Just never get discouraged. Never hold back.
Not to encourage hacking because we condone such acts but hold on, why are hackers hitting the bullseye over and over again ? Curtly, its because they never cease to stop attempting, trying and retrying. Even Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments and on the 1,001st try, the bulb did lit, finally. Lesson he learned ? Every failed experiment brings you closer to success. You will fail. You will lose. You will suck. But you gotta embrace that cycle because that's the inevitability. When your laptop fails to boot up, you don't dump it off straight away, right ? You don't need to be a techie to go through the motions of the basics. If you need to restart in safe mode, just do it. If you need to initiate a manual start via DOS, go for it. In the face of adversity, we should never lose sight of the elusive success we have been hungering for. We may be gifted [like you're gifted in Math] but what becomes imperative is constantly practicing that Math so by taking it to the next level means you have opted to take the less easy path, in fact, that's the hard part.Nothing kills more dreams than fear itself. Not even the failures that repeat over and over again. Unless you take the next step, that next stride, you are going nowhere in your path towards achieving that dream. Having that guts is a must but having that guts to fail will test your mettle because to get something you never had, you need to do something you never did.⏳Saturday, January 9, 2021
Time for "Ta'awun"
Time for Ta'awun
👳Ta'awun is a Malay term whose meaning has had various interpretations but nevertheless, there is a commonality across all those versions, i.e. Ta'awun refers to the helpfulness of helping to involve more than two individuals [or more]. It's COOPERATION no less. As the global pandemic has worsened when 2021 kicked in, Ta'awun needs to be embraced by us all, cutting across cultures and economic strata regardless whether you are a Christian or Muslim. There is no tomorrow for us to collaborate, close ranks.That most elusive Covid vaccine, it should not further widen the great divide between the first world and the third world, the G7 countries versus the rag-and-tag countries. Instead, it becomes imperative that the national leaders from the leading global economies should not tighten the nozzle on these pharma players [e.g. Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna] so that the vaccines become tools of the political interplay and agenda each of the political leaders have crafted [more to look good to their constituents]We may not be economists but surely this x & y axis translates clearly, enough to hit us rock bottom. As the pandemic continues to worsen unabated, all economies [and unfortunately, not even the G7 countries can be spared] have been on a downward spiral for a year now. Until when ? Only God knows. Not even Dr Sanjay Gupta, CNN's CMC can give the slightest hint. And even as the pharma players are all racing against time, even their breakthroughs to date are spotty at best. And to put
And this brings me back to Ta'awun , that collaborative helpfulness across countries, cultures. Unfortunately, this Covid pandemic is akin to a 'TRAP' game, not as what the doctor ordered though. And as we chalk it up to experience, let's not lose sight that mediocrity is the elephant in the
Thursday, January 7, 2021
That BLUE COLLAR Mentality
That BLUE COLLAR Mentality
Not long back, everyone dreamt and wanted for a white collar job no less. And everyone shunned from anything that has got to do with BLUE COLLAR stuff. I myself. Not too long ago, I had that despicable mindset too.But not too fast though. How things can turn around 180-degrees. Suddenly, everyone wants to join the BLUE COLLAR mentality !
Not looking far. Over at the NBA hoops universe, if there is ballclub who wins hands down in terms of BLUE COLLAR mentality, it is the Miami Heat with Mick Arison, 'the GODFATHER' Pat Riley and Coach Spo. As the old adage goes, 'many are called but few are chosen'. And in the NBA, it totals to more than 500 basketball players especially during this 2021 Season when the NBA Leadership has increased team rosters from 15 to 17. And many of the best players want to be part of the Miami Heat ballclub. Unfortunately, theirs is a team of BLUE COLLAR players committed to the Miami Heat culture. Any lesser soul will fall by the wayside. Dion Waiters, James Johnson, name it. Quite a number of them fell out of favor simply because they failed to consistently come up with the BLUE COLLAR which everyone now is hungering for, wanting for.In real terms, having the most sought after BLUE COLLAR mindset means you need to have that 'DO IT ALL' mindset. You got to be a real dog, a genuine hound, a hungry one at that. Without that hunger and never-ending drive, anyone cannot go any farther, not by a stretch. Moreover, these days, it's non-negotiable that you gotta have that 'DO IT ALL' mindset. There will be a plethora of tasks that need to be delivered and gone are the days when the 'specialist' role was the 'IN' thing. These days, those guaranteed to run beyond just 'survival' mode are the real dogs, those with that chip in the shoulder.That 'RIP OUT' mentality is what needs to get evolved. Getting locked-in to what you did give your buy-in, that's all that matters where you always get to rip things out, where possible and not leaving any single stone unturned.With all these attributes deeply embedded in your own engine, you will see all your cylinders all fired up when you go full throttle and that chances of you gasping for air, for energy, for that extra push ? Hardly will you end up with a near-empty tank as long as you're locked-in, mentally, emotionally and everything rolled into one,
Who'll get the last laugh ? It will be the BLUE COLLAR hounds out there.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Sunday, January 3, 2021
When the PARTY's OVER
When the Party's Over
⏳ I'm sorry folks, I can't offer you a "SKIP AD" button because this piece is not an advert of Billie Eilish's 'WHEN THE PARTY's OVER' hit music which was #16 at its peak at the Billboard Chart [oh, that was almost 2 yrs back, JAN 5th 2019 to be precise] and which stayed in the charts for an enduring 17 weeks.Anyways, to borrow from Billie Eilish, really WHEN THE PARTY's OVER, everyone has to heed the clarion call. Holidays are over. Festive events are one-off and done. Family gatherings are a-ok as far as it lasts but WHEN THE PARTY's OVER, where do we go from here ?
Oh, it's a no-brainer. Let the RAT RACE begin [all over again].
Like it or not, you and me are in a RAT RACE and there's not even an Option 2 or a Plan B if I may surmise. Oh BTW, do we know why are we in that RAT RACE ? You're SPOT ON. It's because that's our 'comfy zone'. Why ? It's because we are risk-averse, that's the long and short of it BUT don't ever that risk-aversion ever ever dictate your moves. Take that Megxit 'brouhaha' in the U.K. that continues to engulf its famous tabloids [The Sun, Daily Mirror, name it]. Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex knew all along that their life won't be a cakewalk from the time they got married.Cutting the cloth straight up, you gotta 'KNOW YOUR WHY'. WHY are you in that RAT RACE. And WHY are you NOT out of that RAT RACE. And by being aware and conscious NOT to cherry-pick, we gotta realize that if we wanna be honest [at least to ourselves, there is half-IN or half-OUT options at all.Oh, good for you. You know you gotta WORK HARDER, EARN MORE MONEY, BUY this N that and keep going. With your choices, do keep up to your decisions even if those [decisions] may have scuppered any chances for you to back-track and fallback on. But again, I may sound like a broken record [and it really is], get out of your comfy zones. HIGH risk = HIGH reward. LOW risk = LOW reward. NO risk = NO reward [and that's a damn loud NO !!!]Don't get me wrong. risks are good but you have to take it head-on intelligently, not those off-the-cuff moments. And even if you fail, you'll pick up somethin' valuable about the decisions and its underlying circumstances. All along, we gotta agree that failure isn't the END OF THE LINE. Traversing the conventional and predictable path may be safe but it prevents you from achieving greatness and it significantly limits your options in life. So, do you have MORE to lose ? Or LESS to lose ? Frankly, there is LESS to lose. WHY ? Taking a risk and even failing doesn't put you in jeopardy. Even if you crash and burn after taking a big risk and even if that tarnishes your reputation, you got enuf years ahead of your to rebuild, repair and recoup [EVEN FROM THE GROUND UP]. As in statistics, thecompounding returns of experience means if you keep taking risks and learning, those lessons will compound over you. Even the less risky and more conservative decisions you make will be grounded with a more enlightened perspective. Now, as even this blog piece is no cakewalk, let me throw you off-balanced. Contemplating to drop from the rat race ? Oh that's a very honest REALITY CHECK you deserve BUT again, here's the big BUT. To quote Mary Jean Tomlin [yes that's Lily as well], a famous American actress, writer, producer, comedian and singer, 'EVEN IF YOU WIN, YOU'RE STILL A RAT'. Where does that leave you though ? 👎
Saturday, January 2, 2021
🙏 Probably a thousand times we heard about that LEAP of FAITH [a.k.a. LoF], being that proven formula of thousands of success stories even amongst folks you can relate with. Word of caution, though. We have heard countless debacles of 'LoF' that ended up as horror stories. New arrivals detained in a foreign country. Another one deported 'pronto y de prisa'. Group of travelers all offloaded even before boarding a flight that would started off a doomed itinerary.Oh, most of us have families and loved ones to support, people closest to us who continue to cling on us for direction, for support and even for their future. Even for those alone in their lives, many of them have pre-set goals to achieve and that's just so laudable. BUT.... but when shove comes to push, human nature tells us that we tend to breach that fine line of HOPE and cross-over to being in DESPERATION, and that's a red flag as early as it surfaces in one's game plan.
An idea pops up ? Don't kill it but all it takes is 5 seconds before it dissipates in thin air. Your confidence level is down ? You got 5 secs to give yourself a shot in the arm. You are in a doubtful state ? Take that 5-second countdown. Well said ? Surely this is easier said than done, so let's go down to brass tactics. The moment you perceive your instincts seem to be firing up but hesitation seems to creep in, pronto, run the 5-second RULE. If 5 secs does run out, who's the CULPRIT ? Not you but it's your brain because it tells you to "KILL IT" and your brain is damn patient [yet persistent] to talk yourself out of doing it. Who pays the price of OVER-THINKING ? It your pitiful self, SADLY.😔
To be fair, though, you yourself is/was not the culprit of that OVER-THINKING. Who else is to blame except technology [AGAIN ???] !!! The more you search Google, the more you scour YouTube, you end up with mountains and mountains of 'crap' [yes sireeee it's true] because most of those search results numbering millions are not gospel truths. To set the record straight, I am NOT here to falsely allude that those Google and YouTube search results are all figments and fallacies. On the other hand, they are factual, vetted and validated BUT here's the BUT....... There are tons and tons of variables injected in each of those search results and unless you are a dyed-in-the-wool statistical guru or acolyte, how the hell can you run an iteration to come up with the most optimized results ? Not until you get back to linear programming [which we used to run over and over again to come up with the best iterations that will feed into our company's refinery operations [that was decades back though].
In a nutshell, c'mon folks, let's fix our lives. Oh, you might rebut by asking why fix the car if it ain't broke ? C'mon, it may be ain't broke now but is it best optimized now ? Is it most cost-effective now given the other cards laid out on the table ? Again, let's get out being comfy.✅
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