When Was The Last Time You Were 'ON A ROLL'?

When Was The Last Time You Were 'ON A ROLL'? For alignment, let us do a lookup with Mr Webster's definition wherein it means it refers to that process of rolling, just like the wheels [and NOT a bread-roll]. In short, it means moving forward, with a 'streak of success' or an intense activity. It can also refer to a period of GOOD LUCK or GOOD PROGRESS. So, back to my question When Was The Last Time You Were 'ON A ROLL'? Which reminds of this blonde joke from Quora.com posted by Lucia B. A blonde sits down on a plane and starts to read a book but the guy next seat won't leave her alone. Then he asks, LET'S PLAY A GAME. I'LL ASK YOU A QUESTION, IF YOU CAN'T ANSWER, YOU OWE ME FIVE DOLLARS. THEN YOU ASK ME A QUESTION AND IF I CAN''T ANSWER, I OWE YOU A THOUSAND DOLLARS. And the blondie says 'OK'. Guy starts "WHAT'S THE DISTANCE FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON?" Without a word, the blondie hands him $5. She then asks, "WHAT GOES UP THE HILL ON 3 LEGS AND COMES DOWN ON 2 LEGS?" Guy gives up and hands over $1,000. Blondie accepts and keeps it in her purse then resumes reading her `book. The guy asked, "HEY WHAT's THEN ANSWER?" Without a word, the blondie opens her purse, takes out $5 and gives it to him📗📙📘

And although Physics has never interest me, I remember Newton's first law of motion which states: AN OBJECT AT REST REMAINS AT REST. AN OBJECT IN MOTION REMAINS IN MOTION AT CONSTANT SPEED AND IN A STRAIGHT LINE UNLESS ACTED ON BY AN UNBALANCED FORCE. Obviously, he was talking about Physics here but in productivity, people WHO spend time thinking about more efficient ways to get things done have started applyiing his wisdom. Indeed, this is when you're ON A ROLL💧💧💧

So, WHEN was the last time you were ON A ROLL? It could be as simple as you started doing 'spring cleaning' at home, till you end up cleaning up the garage, then going over to your garden till it was sunset, till next day. In life, we need to increase our awareness and frankly, why DON'T we consider applying Newton's law on productivity. Some researches covered as to how adapting a mindset of getting into and staying in motion can help us to be more productive. And the studies advise that the trick ISN'T staying in motion BUT getting into it💦💦💦
Heeding the advice of experts, they encourage the "TWO-MINUTE RULE", that practice of immediately doing something if it will take two minutes OR less. If an email comes in, respond to it right away. If you need to take thrash out, do it the minute you notice it. if you have to cancel an appointment, call that very second. Getting into the habit of doing smaller tasks immediately can help you build momentum. Yes, IT WORKS FOR ME💥💥💥
Our takeaway: How IT WORKS FOR ME? Through the years, I 'front-load' my to-do list with simple tasks instead of option for that 'eat the frog' approach, which calls on you to do your biggest and most demanding tasks first. True, sometimes I commit hiccup with my task management from time to time but that's far few and in between. So, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE ON A ROLL, dude😀😀😀