Living Life ON THE EDGE
Many will blurt, DAMN IT, I just DON'T want to Live Life ON THE EDGE !@#$? Obviously, inside out, living on the edge implies you seem to live a perilous and high-risk life, a life where you seem to be at the precipice of danger, of failure, of fatally hitting the wall. And if we want to live a conservative life, all that could matter to us are all the basics in life, having basic food and shelter. But where does that bring you? Not far, dude. In fact, you would hardly move forward with that mindset because it seems then that basic survival for you is all that matters. But hey, do you deserve to live a life that way? Sans things that matter most in life, the rewards, the achievements, can we then justify that our life is worth living simply on the premise that we DON'T Live Life ON THE EDGE !@#$?Yes we all agree that risks will abound and will be all over you when you Live Life ON THE EDGE but hey, that doesn't mean you are living in hell. Instead, when you Live Life ON THE EDGE, you will get the best views, the best vantage points to look far ahead the rewards for your picking but which picking will only get ripe when you deserve to reap those fruits.You might have a challenge question in mind. Will you be able to BACK OFF? Of course you can. You got the whole nine yards behind you to BACK OFF but are you one to BACK OFF if you are at the precipice of grasping your goals within your reach? So what is expected of you when you Live Life ON THE EDGE? You got to be RAZOR-SHARP no less. Swing over to the NBA 2022 Playoffs. All the playoff teams in the post season badly want a 'W' with Game 1. Why? Because they got to have that EDGE.We have witnessed so many success stories and I'd admit all their narratives are jaw dropping. If there is a key factor to live life on the edge, it is MOTIVATION. You need to be your very own MOTIVATOR to achieve those goals you have tried so hard for. If you were on a cliff right now, at this very moment, and you had the opportunity to fly, would you? Of course, you would. You would because you have nothing holding you back. Because you believe that fate will take you where you need to be taken.