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Friday, June 23, 2023

In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'

In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'

In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'.  Tracing back this expression is NOT tough as this western wagons circle around.  Literally, this is meant to PROTECT YOUR TURF.  And in life, this might sound so obvious but the truth is, many adults [supposedly RESPONSIBLE] are NOT protecting the turf they need to protect, literally and figuratively๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
How I got this CIRCLE THE WAGONS' thing, I was watching the Netflix movie 'THE SENTINEL' and David Rasche [as the U.S. President] ordering his Secret Service to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'.  Back to our lives, we just can't over-emphasize that blight in society when we witness supposedly responsible people JETTISON & DITCH their given responsibilities⏳⏳⏳
So, what's our take?  If you're a student, to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS' mean yourself protecting the interest [and investment] of your parents in your schooling.  If you are committed to your partner/spouse, to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS' means you got to protect your relationship, whatever it takes for you to achieve that๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
If you're over at the workplace, you got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS' by protecting the interests of your organization, your team, your clients.  And most importantly, doing so is part of your vested interest as your butter and rice bowl must be getting sourced out from your income.  Did we miss out anything else?  Yes, we got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS' on our very own persona, our mission, vision and goals✅✅✅
WHAT IF we don't 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'? WHAT are the consequences?  Let me hit where it is most impactful.  Let's hypothetically say that up front, you implicitly share to any Tom, Dick and Harry your short-term, medium and long term plans for your business.  What's the probability that by 'telegraphing your punches', the market competition will pre-empt you by jumpstarting ahead of you?  In Life, You Got to 'CIRCLE THE WAGONS'❗❗❗

Thursday, June 22, 2023

SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World

SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World

Yessss, this is not a run-of-the-mill sentence but quite a heart-wrenching one, if you may acknowledge.  SMILE, You Don't Own All The Problems In The World.  Why should we spend time on this thread today?  It's because many [truth is, ALL OF US] are all facing various kinds of problems in life⏳⏳⏳

BUT, who has NO problems?  You can't even exempt Sultan Bolkiah, Bill Gates and NOT even Pope Francis.  WHY?  Because to be beset with problems is part and parcel of our very own life.  So, where's the beef?  Our concern lies with those who are so overwhelmed [call it DROWNED] with all the problems they have at hand to the extent that you would hear some desperate voices that they DON'T want to spend an extra minute longer breathing, if at all.  BUT hey, I WON'T give you any wiggle room to disagree that You Don't Own All The Problems In The World๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Oh Oh Oh, I really love this picture-less poster, I really do especially when it tells us what we should be concerned more than anything else, that coffee to remain HOT and that EYELINER to be EVEN [when all things are done].  So, while those rich in wisdom will offer insightful ideas for us to get a good handle of our problems, this poster tells us, C'MON, WHY DON'T YOU STEP BACK for a while because you deserve to be in that moment, enjoy and appreciate that moment you have at hand๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

True, we should NOT be dictated to smile.  Who deserves to be told anyway?  I remember when I was working with the Shell Group and one day, when I stood up from my desk in my cublcle, my colleague across our partitioned cubicle blurted 'WHY ARE YOU ANGRY'?  Next thing I did was to rush to the comfort room, rushing to see myself on the mirror and I realized my [default] face seemed to be FROWNING, ouch.  From that time on, I instantly changed my facial behaviors because that DIDN'T help my cause at all✅✅✅

Now, please DON'T get me wrong.  I'm NOT egging you to run away from your problems, NO sirrrrrs.  All I'm begging is for you to pull the brakes for now, take a breather, a respite from all the stressful moments triggered by all our problems.  It's a WIN-WIN thing, to exert a small ounce of effort for us to SMILE, because we DON'T OWN ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD❗❗❗

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Against All Odds - When The Betting Public Would Nod Like Bobbleheads

Against All Odds - When The Betting  Public Would Nod Like Bobbleheads

How often in life do we stand Against All Odds?  No doubt life is HARD at times.  That recent pandemic was most brutal to us all.  Everyone suffered not just financially but even mentally. Illnesses, death in the family and numerous other difficulties all contribute to make and let life look so damn miserable NOT worth living.  But hey, even before we got hit hard by that pandemic, life was already HARD, right?  For many of us, life is HARD more than it is NOT.  And that egged me to present this as our thread today but our purpose is NOT to minimize the experience or those feelings๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
In the ongoing 2023 NBA Playoffs, the Miami Heat almost bid adieu to the season when they were in the brink of elimination.  Moreover, during the regular season, in all the data analytics, they were ranked anywhere between 25th to 27th [out of 30 teams].  In the shortest words, the Miami Heat were playing AGAINST ALL ODDS. But as we speak now, the Miami is one of NBA's Top 4 teams battling to be the top NBA championship contender.  Talking about AGAINST ALL ODDS❗❗❗
In brief, everyone, even these NBA clubs do experience hardships and challenges that seem unsurmountable.  BTW, some experience hardships much more than others.  But hey, are we living hurried lives?  Me thinks so.  My point is that much of what we experience is simply perception.  Being alive today, it has to be hard to imagine that life by our forefathers way back the 18th or 19th centuries were fast-paced❓❓❓
Now, let's veer towards whining.  How often do we hear people whining?  Problem is, some feel they have to complain, as if their complaints are some sort of badge of honor.  My guess here is that everyone of us have indeed experienced expressing something NEGATIVE only to have a peer try to "one-up" one's complaint.  Studies say that this actually an error in EMPATHY.  Now, clinical experts have proven that our brain has that NEGATIVITY BIAS [and this is well recognized in Psychology].  
What's our FIX?  Experts say that or us to combat NEGATIVITY BIAS, we have to consciously work at paying attention to GOOD THINGS.  And one way is through GRATITUDE.  Focusing on GRATITUDE called POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY. which in concrete terms ask us to FOCUS on three unique things  that one has to be GRATEFUL for.  In the Harvard Report, it says that GRATITUDE is strongly associated with GREATER HAPPINESS so one can hurdle when all odds are against you, when even the betting public would nod like bobbleheads and when the data analytics show that all CARDS ARE STACKED AGAINST YOU๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks

Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks

Keep Moving, Cover Your Tracks.  Is this worth to be our thread today.  Absolutely, because with social media platforms lording over our daily lives, it seems, unconsciously, our lives become an OPEN BOOK, which BTW is NOT wrong per se except when that 'OPENNESS' does stretch way beyond bounds๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

As businesses, educational institutions and workplaces are replacing face-to-face interactions and telephone calls that are considered ARCHAIC and time-consuming with texts, emails, online video conferencing and web portals.  As more communications exchanges are digitized, it makes PRIVACY information more vulnerable and susceptible to compromise and data breaches.  Even sensitive information like driver's license, bank account, medical records, social security and our credit card numbers are linked to individuals๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Indeed, sensitive personal data should be protected similarly to the safeguarding of computer login credentials.  A recent IT Security report showed that in the United States alone, over 1.4 million people are victims of IDENTIFY THEFT each year and this has been most rampant among students.  And to align us all, IDENTIFY THEFT is defined as when an individual using another person's information to obtain access to credit card facilities or even medical care⏳⏳⏳
What does these all tell us?  We got to COVER OUR TRACKS, especially living in a highly digitized world where footprints are not literal but instead digital.  Although uninhibited social media posts may pose a threat, acquaintances can also use friendly exchanges to steal from unsuspecting targets.  All these does call for vigilance from us all.  Be LESS trusting when handling your personal information✅✅✅
DON'T get us wrong.  We are NOT encouraging people to shut off and just get ensconced in those cavernous caves.  Instead, while we encourage you to healthily interact with your friends, colleagues and even business contacts, be wary and consistently conscious in securing your personal information.  COVER YOUR TRACKS❗❗❗

Monday, June 19, 2023



WHY is there so much EXCITEMENT at the start?  WHY are we oozing with ENTHUSIASM at the start?  WHY is our energy level at its peak at the start?  When The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out, what triggers the SIZZLE to FIZZLE Out? Frankly, there's a zillion of reasons why The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Look no farther from this world map as it shows that divorce rates are high across the Americas and Europe.  But that is just one dimension when The SIZZLE FIZZLES Out,    But this encroaches our daily lives, even when we're still in a school, OR at the workplace OR in our entrepreneurial initiatives.  So, we need to figure out, WHY are we suffering from a lack of ENTHUSIASMOR are we facing difficulty to MOTIVATE ourselves?  OR are we struggling to rekindle that fervor to achieve something❓❓❓
The harsh reality in our lives is that when MOTIVATION is lacking, you become PASSIVE, unhappy and you end up staying or remaining in that same situation without making progress.  So, this should be non-debatable that we should change a situation that seemingly hits the wall⏳⏳⏳
What we CANNOT ignore is that both MOTIVATION + ENTHUSIASM are the driving forces that trigger us to take actions towards achieving our goals.  What is most FRUSTRATING is when you a goal to accomplish but you just CAN'T awaken enough of your DESIRE and MOTIVATION to take action❗❗❗
Now let's rattle off the most common ROOT CAUSES that we must attack [and FIX].  A WEAK DESIRE.  LAZINESS.  SHYNESS.  LACK of BELIEF.  ABSENCE OF SELF-ESTEEM.  LACK of SELF-CONFIDENCE.  NEGATIVE THINKING and worst of all, that NEGATIVE SELF TALKBTW, let us NOT blame others when we lack either that ENTHUSIASM or MOTIVATION.  Bottom line is, when the SIZZLE FIZZLES OUT, you got to figure out the root cause if only to extricate yourself from that deep trench in life✅✅✅

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now?

Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now?

Is Cyberbullying An Issue Now?  Very much it is.  And this chart says it all.  79% of Cyberbullying is happening between Facebook and Instagram.  We can even close our eyes with the rest of the social media platforms like Twitter and YouTube but this statistical data should raise alarms no less because the segment of society who is most impacted by Cyberbullying are the young lives.  And if do a random sampling of statistical data, the numbers will send out shivers no less๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Separate studies in the United States and Singapore have found that almost half of respondents in these countries have experienced Cyberbullying.  But the bigger concern here is that this Cyberbullying problem could be under-reported as many youths tend to SUFFER IN SILENCE.  Experts opined that victims should turn to a trusted adult for help while parents need to take more preemptive measures๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Now, let's pull the bull by its horns and face head-on what Cyberbullying really is.  IT IS bullying with the use of digital technologies.  IT IS taking place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and yes, even on smart phones.  IT IS repeated behavior aimed at scaring, angering OR shaming those targeted.  And the real-life testimonials are scary⏳⏳⏳

Cyberbullying is spreading lies about OR posting embarassing photos or videos of someone on social media.  Cyberbullying is sending hurtful, abusive or threatening messages, images or videos via messaging platforms.  Cyberbullying is impersonating someone and sending mean messages to others on their behalf or through spurious or fake accounts✅✅✅

Cyberbullying can even happen in parallel with face-to-face bullying but the biggest challenge confronting us all is that Cyberbullying leaves a digital footprint. This nightmare worsens when we consider the fact that Cyberbullying is happening even across online gaming communities and online forums, message boards such as Reddit.  What's our FIX now?  When you perceive someone within your family is going through Cyberbullying, LITERALLY CLAMP down on the connectivity.  Move that person on a hiatus but be convincing enough that this is for his own interest❗❗❗

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Are You Parachute-ready?

Are You Parachute-ready?

No sirrrrrrrrrrrs, our thread today is NOT about skydiving and the like.  Instead, it's to ask you if Are You Parachute-ready? In life no one will bother to ask Are You Parachute-ready since more often than not, human nature tells us that to talk about PARACHUTES IN LIFE is nonsense, because it's all a figment of one's imagination.  Oh really?  Much as we should be brimming with optimism, it should not be misplaced just NOT to be pessimistic๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Bluntly, 'PARACHUTES' are what we need in life, when we are embroiled with problems, when we are zapped by failures, when we get hit with tragic things NOT least expected, when suddenly a tightly-knit marriage ends in divorce.  We can go on and on, the list of bad tidings can go on and on.  And it's infinity because we DON'T see any visible end to those unexpected turn of events that is way beyond our control๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Very much akin to parachutists, in life, we got to fully prepare ourselves the worst possible scenarios, sometimes some scenarios are damn so scary and dreadful.  When our family goes to our annual overseas holidays [not until that pandemic stalled us all at home], I prepared for all possible WHAT IF scenarios.  WHAT IF I lose my wallet, my $$$$$, my credit cards.  Within myself, my WHAT IF scenarios included WHAT IF either my septuagenarian father-in-law falls when we are on holiday overseas⏳⏳⏳

Thanks to our ancient ancestors, our brains are designed to expect the WORST.   When early humans wandering our planet Earth, underestimating what was around the corner [or in those bushes and forest] could be deadly and dreadful.  That explains why the primitive parts of our brains take a 'BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY' approach to those uncertainties, both big and small✅✅✅

Fast-forward today, it might be easier to think of it this way:  our brain is like a smoke detector.  So in our daily life, uncertainties are like smoke.  Your job is to figure out whether the problem is burnt toast, a house on fire, or just a false alarm, then we'll respond accordingly.  In the simplest terms, we all should be prepared for the gloomy days, for the heavy downpours, for the worst things that can turn out its ugly head.  ARE YOU PARACHUTE-READY❓❓❓

Friday, June 16, 2023

That 'Bandwagon Effect'

That 'Bandwagon Effect'

Supposedly, That 'Bandwagon Effect' is NOT worth as our 'talking point' today but what eggs me to bring this on the table today is because it is a two-edged sword that can go either way, depending on the circumstances and its context.  But before meandering into That 'Bandwagon Effect', let's agree on this Webster definition that it 'refers to our habit of adopting behaviors or beliefs because many other people are doing or practicing the same thing๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Let's NOT look farther than in sports, politics and marketing.  When the NBA Golden State Warriors [GSW] kept winning, you would see people [including those you hardly know] wearing GSW jerseys and during games with TV telecast, over at the pub or restaurant, the TV is tuned to the GSW games where you see the pub clients swarming all over the place during GSW games⏳⏳⏳

Prior to the pandemic, we witnessed long queues at the cinema for box-office hits.  At the shopping mall, we would see customers swarming a place where it is filled [and sometimes overflowing up to the rafters].  For smokers, when vape was launched in the market, we all know how it got its captive market๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

In brief, that BANDWAGON EFFECT can extend beyond sports, politics and marketing.  It can affect all sorts of decisions we make in our lives.  The primary worry is that it can override the individual CRITICAL THINKING that often goes into making good and informed decisions. Decisions that benefit many other people do NOT always benefit us.  Consider going to the university.  While it's ideal, it's NOT the best option for all✅✅✅

What's left often forgotten is that ROAD LESS TRAVELLED.  A ;ack of individual CRITICAL THINKING can have particularly damaging implications when it becomes widespread. At the height of the pandemic, people who joined the ANTI-VACCINATION Movement become less likely to have their children regularly immunized.  History is also littered with dangerous populist movements driven by snowballing effects.  Unless you are on the right side, be wary of that BANDWAGON EFFECT❗❗❗

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Bent But Not Broken

Bent But Not Broken

As much as we all live in a very imperfect world, many of us are still caught up with the fallacy that we can still live in a perfect world.  NOT shaken.  NOT threatened.  NOT frightened.  NOT scolded.  NOT lost.  NOT falling ill.  NOT running out of money and we can go on and on.  BUT hey, it is fine to be Bent But Not Broken๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Oh, isn't this easier said than done?  Absolutely.  BUT in real life, there's enough elbow room for us to wiggle out.  HOW?  First off, DON'T allow your emotions to get in your way.  You should NOT wear your EMOTIONS on your sleeves.  We should NOT even yell or get overly animated when TIMES GET TOUGH.  Let's endeavor to have that EMOTIONAL SELF-CONTROL that even our body language would NOT give us away.  Otherwise, when we allow our emotions to get in the way, it could be interpreted as a sign that we are NOT being objective enough and too passionate about the situation at hand✅✅✅

You're bent?  That's fine.  You'll be fine but DON'T take things too personally.  Decisions and circumstances DON'T always play out logically because of human dynamics that factor into a situation.  It becomes imperative that we remain CALM and let us NOT be defensive or think that we always need to justify our thinking and actions.  Otherwise, even a slight bend will worsen⏳⏳⏳

If there is something where we need to invest, it is to develop that FORTITUDE, that positive mental attitude.  If you're a parent, children will always watch your actions, behavior and overall demeanor.  In your most difficult times, we need to maintain that positive mental attitude and manage a narrative that keeps our children inspired and hopeful.  A positive attitude can neutralize CHAOS and allow us to course correct through the negativity.  Keeping that positive mental attitude and never stopping to move forward would go a long way to ensure that you may be BENT BUT NOT BROKEN✅✅✅

To quote the famous and respective Indian nationalist Mahatma Gandhi, 'STRENGTH DOES NOT COME FROM PHYSICAL CAPACITY.  IT COMES FROM INDOMINATBLE WILL'.  Our realization should be on comparing the efforts between starting back from ground zero versus standing up and picking up the pieces.  For sales folks, it's a no-brainer to convince them that the costs to maintain an existing client is significantly much lower compared to the costs entailed to acquire a new client.  Even if we get bent a hundred times, as long as our backbone and resolve does not waiver, then we'll survive with our heads up high❗❗❗

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Composure Amid Chaos

Composure Amid Chaos

Ive got NO intentions to sound like Nostradamus, the French astrologer most famous for his book of prophesies but let's admit it, in life, CHAOS is another harsh reality we got to face.  But hey, do you agree  Composure Amid Chaos is our antidote to such a dilemma?  Whether you are a leader in the workplace or one of the team members.  Whether you are a parent or a entrepreneur, got to have composure๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
When I was working on a year-long project in India, I was working with a colleague who lacked COMPOSURE and seemed to be always in a state of panic.  Though he had tremendous credentials, he lacked the ability to remain calm and thus often made his colleagues feel uneasy with him.  And since he was holding a leadership role, that role seemed too big for what he was capable of handling.  He was often too dramatic and the smallest of problems launched him into a crisis management mode, whew๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Needless to say, his wasn't an effective leadership that could deal with real crisis and change.  Because he was unable to REINVENT himself and adapt to the unexpected, his tenure at that workplace was short-lived, much shorter than the span of my short-term project there.  In this 21st century, we need to see through the LENS of OPPORTUNITY.  Instead of getting into a PANIC state, we need to develop that COMPOSURE by taking a step back and begin to CONNECT THE DOTS of opportunity even in adverse circumstances❗❗❗
Developing those traits can lead us to quickly detect causes of adversity and solve such challenges immediately.  That would  then enable us to opportunities previously unseen that could have avoided the adversity in the first place.  Over and over again, I have witnessed numerous times when and where a crisis results because COMPOSURE was lacking or missing๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
The next time around you stumble on a problem, ask yourself if you could have shown a greater sense of COMPOSURE to have avoided such a problem from surfacing.  If you are a parent or a leader at the workplace, you must AVOID showing signs of leadership immaturity or lack of preparedness that will lead to the people around you to miss out on having that COMPOSURE AMID CHAOS✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others]

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others] Fear and anxiety about life are challenges for every individual.  And talking about ...

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