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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Stress KILLS, period

Stress KILLS, period.

No sirrrs, this is NOT to raise an alarming warning [although indeed today's piece is intended to raise the alarms for a potential RED FLAG๐Ÿ“Œ  Point is, Stress KILLS, period.  BTW, if there is a #1 top priority in our life, it is our HEALTH.  And if we're getting STRESSED, it is our HEALTH that is at the receiving end.  GOOD NEWS to us all, STRESS can be pre-empted and avoided, where possible.  It's NOT something that is inevitable to happen beyond our control๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
OVERTHINKING is not in itself a medical term but research shows the habit can have real impacts on our well-being.  Oftentimes, overthinking involves focusing on the NEGATIVE, rehashing the past, dwelling on BAD experiences or even worrying about the future.  Psychologists state that in their studies, when we ruminate on certain thoughts, it can snowball into bigger and more extensive negative thinking.  
 When that OVERTHINKING becomes destructive to our life or really impairs our daily functioning, that becomes IMPACTFUL  it could be as simple as talking about APPETITE and once things affect your appetite, if you're lost in your thoughts, you're starting to isolate from other people.  Ruminating on the worst possible scenarios and outcomes can be a misguided form of SELF-PROTECTION. For some people, it can be some form of defense mechanism.  Worst of the worst, OVERTHINKING can affect your physical health.  Once OVERTHINKING creeps in, headaches and body aches are not far out to happen next. OVERTHINKING is also associated with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and borderlinie personality disorder.  Indeed, Stress KILLS, period๐Ÿ“’๐Ÿ“’๐Ÿ“’
To break that habit, psychologists state that a good first step is to take note of what TRIGGERS your OVERTHINKING.  It might stem from a past trauma, or something in your life that's currently a source of STRESS.  Once you identify those TRIGGERS, you can start finding ways to overcome them๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ
A common advice by psychologists is for us to take CONTROLLED BREATHING exercises.  According to them, it will help us shift our focus to our breathing and calming down their central nervous system.  And then, activities [like blogging and journaling] really helps us express and process the thoughts that are in our head.  So, any type of mindfulness activities where you're focused on present moment can keep you out of your thoughts that will lead to Stress because that KILLS❗❗❗

Friday, September 23, 2022

Outcomes Matter

Outcomes Matter

From the time we wake up every morning, LIFE never stops.  The frenzied activities will keep us occupied till we hit the sack at night.  For those who are goal-focused, many of us are caught up and 'hostaged' with the myriad things that need to be done to achieve along the way but in the midst of all the hullabaloo, we sometimes tend to overlook that what should not be lost is that Outcomes Matter.

These poster of light bulbs are a classic example.  When boot campers were asked to produce a light bulb, everyone did produce but only two did function as expected.  What was lost to the majority here is that Outcomes Matter.  We should not get caught up with the myriad of details when in fact what really should be at the core is that Outcomes Matter.  

You could be surprising your partner/spouse with flowers and cakes but what matters most is your expected Outcome, that is, for your relationship to be robust, enduring and lasting your lifetime.  If you are putting up a startup business, you can spruce your place with all the fancy things but Outcomes Matter and what's your expected outcome?  It is for your sales to start going up and up.

Why is it so many of us do get lost in the maze of life?  It's because we end up distracted with all the incidentals on the fringes.  At work, you may be doing anything to impress your bosses but while that's a PLUS, what counts are YOUR deliverables, YOUR results, YOUR output. fOutcomes Matter

In life, if you envision yourself to be a top tier executive, that goal is the best one to aim for but along the way, you will get embroiled in 'skirmishes', hitting snags here and there.  But that's fine as long as you DON'T lose sight that Outcomes Matter❗❗❗

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Begin With The End in Mind

Begin With The End in Mind

Many of us really think a lot and to be frank, many of us OVERTHINK.  Even when we're about to hit the sack, you could be rolling left and right on your bed because of OVERTHINKING.  Hey, that's not really wrong per se but can we Begin With The End in Mind.  That could do wonders for us because right away, it will DECLUTTER our mind and DECONGEST our thinking.  Whatever is/are our priority right now, Begin With The End in Mind.

Why do many athletes and sportsmen excel in their respective events?  Simple.  It's because they always Begin With The End in Mind.  Rafael Nadal.  Lebron James.  Michael Phelps.  Tiger Woods.  They all plotted their 'loooong' journey by Beginning With The End in Mind.  We have seen the success stories of these sportsmen kicking off when they plotted their intensive training programs that spanned years and years.  Besides the element of time, they invested in top tier trainers and just bottomless drive to excel in their respective events.  Why did they not go OFF TRACK ?  Simple.  They did begin their respective journey with the end in mind.

Let's begin with our relationship with our partner/spouse.  If your End in Mind is to have a robust relationship that will last a lifetime, then, work things out on a consistent basis to develop, evolve and sustain the robustness of your relationship.  If you have a startup business now, be focused on your business goal as achieving that will guide your NEXT STEPS๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Magnus Carlsen, today's #1 chess player for the past ten years, has been lording it over with the rest of the pack eating the dust with next best chess player a far second.  Yet, for the rest of the Top 20 super grandmasters, why have they been so successful?  It's because these chess grandmasters are one of the most disciplined folks ever because they always Begin With The End in Mind๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

So what's our formula so that we don't veer away from our mantra to Begin With The End in Mind.  First off, you got to have a ROADMAP no less.  That ROADMAP will take you from where you are now until you get to your destination.  And if along the way you get OFF-TRACKED, take drastic measures for you to get back ON TRACK.  Remember to Begin With The End in Mind๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“—

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

When Things Go Awry

When Things Go Awry

We all know it and do it.  We plan and then we execute the plan.  Good for us, most of our plans do run true to form but as  the adage in Murphy's Law goes, "ANYTHING THAT CAN GO WRONG WILL GO WRONG'.  And that's normal.  We can't always have our way because sometimes, When Things Go Awry, that's bound to happen later if not sooner.
No amount of expertise or acumen from SME's [Subject Matter Experts] can ever guarantee that Things SHOULD NOT Go Awry because no one and nothing can reverse the course of things developing on the ground.  You can even have all the tools you need in life but always remember, somewhere along the way, things will either get disconnected or disjointed.
In fact and in truth. no amount of armour can give our life a fortress solid enough not to get cracked or worse, to collapse and crumple.  History is littered with stories of heroes and famous athletes who went on a streak of successes but somewhere down the road, the rope finally snapped when the last of its fibers just can't handle it anymore.  Such is life.  We got to brace ourselves for a Scenario B and even a Scenario C.
Problem is, most of us got so spoiled and wrongly thought that life will always be nice and dandy.  Not true at all.  In fact, this is a fallacy proven over time.  You might think Lady Luck is with you [TILL FOREVER] because you never ran out of successes and all the stuff.  NOT UNTIL one day when things ended up like a train wreck. But we WON'T waste our time to think if those exceptions can be nipped in the bud [because they just CAN'T because they are bound to happen].  What should keep us busy is figure out how to handle things when everything 'GOES SOUTH'.  I've personally known people who were awash with $$$$$$ for decades NOT UNTIL lightning struck them damn hard.  Sadly, they were unable to pick up the pieces again.
Oh, this is one of the most boring posters I ever came across but I still grabbed and posted it here.  Why?  Because its message grabbed me by my lapels.  This truism did stick on me till now.  Since that time I came across this adage, I always braced and prepared myself if ever I do fall flat on my face.  And WHEN THINGS GO AWRY, what do we do?  RISE UP as fast as you can.  NEVER linger and roll over the ground, wounded and bruised because you'll be prolonging your agony.  All these, though, can be averted if we're prepared WHEN THINGS GO AWRY✅✅✅

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Things Are Good Until They're Not

Things Are Good Until They're Not

Yes this is another truism we got to accept and embrace.  We're just all too blessed because all those good stuff continue to be heaped on us many times in our life BUT Things Are Good Until They're Not,  You can continue to reap the laurels in your academic performance.  You continue to earn based on a job you're fit to a 'T'.  You and your partner/spouse could have extended that 'honeymoon' phase by spreading it through a year or two.  Or if you are a novice entrepreneur, your coffers must have been clicking and ringing beyond your expectations.  BUT Things Are Good Until They're Not.

That's the thing.  Things CAN'T be FOREVER.  All the good things in life will eventually dry up [or at least, those water levels will gradually decrease until the dam itself is left high and dry.  That is a tough lesson that we sometimes tend to overlook.  I can personally attest  I've seen many lives where everything was nice and dandy for many decades UNTIL..... 

And this is where the fishermen are much adept than us.  When the horizons are clear, they would even spend days out in the high seas before they get back onshore.  Why?  Because those are the only times they can hit paydirt because once the clouds start to get gloomy. those atmospheric pressures won't be far away.

So, how can you avoid ending stuck up high and dry in that car now stalled for repair at the workshop?  Simple.  If it's financials, set aside a safe chunk and save it for the RAINY DAYS.  And if it's intangibles, SAVE that GOODWILL because that will keep your relationship afloat with your partner/spouse and your family.  Things Are Good Until They're Not❗❗❗

Monday, September 19, 2022

The Beauty of BROKENESS

The Beauty of BROKENESS

I'm sorry folks, today's piece is neither a religious pitch nor a biblical one.  It just so happens that this Corinthians 4:7-12 just captured my attention after coming across this verse: The Beauty of BROKENESS.  Ironically, if we run a random survey with regard BROKENESS, we would likely hear 99% of it all related to NEGATIVITY.  Finding Beauty of BROKENESS?  Quite tough to swallow but let's figure things out why this Corinthian verse says so.  The word 'BROKENESS' can be difficult for most of us.  So many people have been broken down by life that it can be a problem to understand the difference between BROKEN DOWN and BROKENESS๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“—

Truth is, the devil seeks to break people down.  Abuse, failure and ridicule have that effect on many.  To be broken down means our spirit is broken.  We have no SENSE of VALUE.  We are convinced that we are worthless.  That is not what happened to Moses, the biblical character.  What he went through may seem the same but it is not.

People who are BROKEN down by other people, the devil or life itself have lost the the ability to access the great one who lives in them.  What happened to Moses actually enabled him to become what God needed him to be.  Let us not look that far.  Instead, let us look at the process in life.  The fact is, if you are at a LOW POINT in LIFE, NEVER GIVE UP.  

Part of what is happening to us when we are in that BROKENESS is that we are coming to a place of BROKENESS before and it happens that we do NOT have a choice. But when do we have a CHOICE?  Right when we are in that deep abyss of BROKENESS, you and I have that option to pick up the pieces all over again๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Sunday, September 18, 2022

When The Stink Escapes From the Basket

When The Stink Escapes From the Basket

Stinks do not merit a space in the tabloids or in social media because they are part and parcel of our lives but what's worth spending our precious minutes is When The Stink Escapes From the Basket.  We all do have or had stinks in our life at least in the past if not in the present [and that is nothing to be conscience-stricken or be contrite because surely, most of us have made amends and did what needs to be done to rectify things so that it does NOT get to hit us [AGAIN]๐Ÿ“—

I've seen it happen a zillion times when stinks, our [and that includes MOI in the past] is to go for containment, concealment and camouflage.  We tend to cover it under wraps as long as it can be possible UNTIL....WHEN THE STINK ESCAPES FROM THE BASKET.  And how do we handle things when indeed things will STINK OUT?  First off, ADMIT & ACCEPT it.  At that point in time, it will be a FAUX PAS if you will insist to DENY & DISPROVE it๐Ÿ“Œ

Yes indeed you can deodorize things but that will be very short-lived.  WHY?  Because WHEN IT STINKS, IT STINKS. Deodorizing things is very limited.  So, what do we do then after we ADMIT & ACCESS?  Gather a;; your COURAGE + GUTS to own up to that stink because there's just no other way around it.  If you're that stubborn to STILL cover-up things, you'll be DEAD IN THE WATER✅

So what's our FINAL FIX?  Simple.  Numero UNO:  AVOID REPEATING the same mistakes that caused your past STINKS.  Numero DOS:  Learn your lessons the hard way by RIGHTING your WRONGS.  Numero TRES: Remember Numero UNO & Numero DOS over and over again so that that Stink NEVER Escapes from the basket [again]⏳⏳⏳

Saturday, September 17, 2022

When You're Broken INSIDE

When You're Broken INSIDE

My apologies, our piece today is NOT about promoting shampoo or bath products.  Funny but this poster is 'spot on' where it highlights that while it does REPAIR DAMAGE, but When You're Broken INSIDE, that's something the product can't help๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””

Indeed, another perfect analogy.  Thousands of products out there can do wonders with various repairs EXCEPT When You're Broken INSIDE and BTW, being broken goes beyond financials or the like.  Bottom-line is, we really need to dig deep inside ourselves whenever we are beset with 'downtimes' in our life.  Let's initiate a critical assessment of ourselves and DON'T spare your ego, your pride and your whole self๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™

Sometimes [and likely many times], the very ROOT CAUSE of a problem could seem to have been caused by someone else but dig deeper and figure out if ever When You're Broken INSIDE  And that being Broken INSIDE may be YOUR motivation, YOUR drive, YOUR morals, YOUR sense of reason [because for all you know, your reasoning has gone wayward❓

On the other hand, I often hear this said:  WHEN YOU'RE BROKEN INSIDE, JUST KEEP MOVING.  So sorry sirrrrrrs I can't peddle that seriously flawed advice because while indeed you can keep MOVING, I have to guarantee that you cannot move as far as you thought your journey can reach simply because that 'BROKEN' thing inside you will impede and hinder you from moving forward.  So, what's our FIX?  First off, identify WHAT is BROKEN INSIDE. Is it your family support now totally collapsed?  Did your spouse/partner packed off for good?  Or if you are an entrepreneur, either you DON'T know the business you're in or you're just TOTALLY HANDS-OFF from operations❓❓❓

Now, here's the final straw that really breaks the camel's back.  If what's BROKEN INSIDE are your personal and family relationships, you got to FIX it, period.  No amount of efforts and whatever is left with your hopes to FIX any other problem because problems related to personal and family relationships always trigger off the COLLATERAL DAMAGES and that's impactful and knows no boundaries  Bottom line, let us FIX when there is something BROKEN INSIDE๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Friday, September 16, 2022

Less Drama in Life

Less Drama in Life

No sirrrrs, I am NO hypocrite.  I'll admit I love DRAMA.  I thought life with no DRAMA is so dull and boring. But I realized the flaw in that reasoning when i did my soul searching and came up with a hard lesson to learn.  And I learned that with Less Drama in Life, we would be much better off because life itself should be devoid of drama because life is all about pursuing our respective endeavors and life is NOT living the life of arts and DRAMA.

In the world of theater and arts, it's true that DRAMA is an integral part of things but in everyday life, a lot of situations get convoluted when various shapes and forms of DRAMA would get into the equation.  Let's face it.  Why do many situations have turned from BAD to WORSE? If you look back, it is likely that although DRAMA may not be the root cause, it could have worsened things.  

C'mon, we all had a turmoil or two in the past.  But did we realize that what exacerbated things was the drama that got into the equation?  BTW, you might ask me, WHAT'S DRAMA?  hmmm, DRAMA is anything that jumps out of the window.  When things become senseless.  WHEN logic becomes a non-entity.  WHEN reason is not even talked about.  WHEN frayed emotions lord it over reason. WHEN even physical manifestations get into the way.  WHEN we become so centric and we just DON'T give a damn of anything other than us.
We can draw a parallelism here when with our partner/spouse, we spend time at the see-saw playground. And when we're 'see-sawing', it is all about FAIR PLAY, all about putting things on an even keel.  As long as self-centeredness does NOT get into the way, voila, you have a much better chance that you will have LESS DRAMA IN LIFE❗❗❗

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Do You Have Enough?

Do You Have Enough?

Do You Have Enough?  Whether it is about financials, properties. health, wealth and all the perks in life, I can bet my lump sum salary that any Tom, Dick and Harry will retort back that "NOT ENOUGH".  And that just affirms all along man's most widespread and chronic 'SIN', if you may call it, in life.  Because our wants and desires have frequently been chronic as UNSATIABLE.  Talk to anyone, they are all caught up in that vicious cycle where they continue to be in that 'rat race' of a never-ending search to get more than what was the most recent acquisition.  Find a synonym for INSATIABLE, that borders on GREED.

You could be someone in culinary arts and here you are, you want the most complete list of ingredients before you start cooking your recipe.  Or you could be that up and coming entrepreneur who keeps on achieving milestone successes and YET, never reaches that point of being satisfied and contented enough.  Heard of entrepreneurs who ended up in bankruptcy?  A number of them ended up bankrupt because of being UNSATIABLE.

Or you could have ended up as a chronic shopaholic after being locked out by this pandemic.  You ended up scouring the web for all the tempting online sales during 7.7 or 8.8 or 9.9 and so on.  But it begs to ask you if indeed Do You Have Enough?  What will it take to pull the brakes and remind us that YES WE HAVE ENOUGH of what we want๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

How often have we heard that someone is so SHOCKINGLY in the doldrums when not too long ago he was enjoying the sun at its brightest?  And what brought him down to the ground?  It's being UNSATIABLE, a very toxic manifestation that borders on GREED.  And how many times did we regret that at some point, you had enough but you get caught with GREED.

This boils down to a predicament when one seems to BITE OFF MORE THAN WHAT HE CAN CHEW.  So, what should we do now?  Run a REALITY CHECK because if you feel YOU HAVE ENOUGH, you could avert stumbling down because YOU HAVE ENOUGH๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Straight from my thought processes...

Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad

Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad.  We might think this is NOT worth to be our thread today ...

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