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Friday, February 9, 2024



Does BODY LANGUAGE Matter?  Yes dude, absolutely.  As we DON'T just communicate with words, we also communicate with HOW we hold ourselves, our facial expressions, our hand gestures  and more.  In fact, there are times when we are oblivious that we are, in fact, communicating via our body language even if keep mum๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Now for the sad part.  Still, many people DON'T always verbally communicate WHAT they mean.  And no, this DOESN'T necessarily mean they are lying.  In reality, it might just mean they AREN'T the best at verbal communications [BTW, none of us is perfect!].  The question I received once before was, IS THERE A WORKAROUND for this disconnect?  Yes there are workaround but NOT to forget, we can only CONTROL what we can๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

So, this tells us that learning the different types of NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS can take us far and help us avoid or deter miscommunications OR misinterpretations in our interactions.  Interestingly, BODY LANGUAGE varies from culture to culture.  When I lived in India for eleven months, I made sure I was familiar enough as I DON'T want to cause a disconnect๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

When talking about reading BODY LANGUAGE, psychology is probably the first thing that pops into our minds.  NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION gives us clues into a person's psychology and WHAT they are truly thinking, no matter WHAT they might be VERBALLY communicating.    Now, there will be times we get 'MIXED SIGNALS'✅✅✅

So, how do we handle if we get those 'MIXED SIGNALS'?  No harm to ask someone WHAT they are thinking.  Straight and direct is definitely the way to go over making assumptions that could result in a disagreement, or worse, confusion.  So, yes, BODY LANGUAGE matters till today❗❗❗

Thursday, February 8, 2024



They say that all the Gen Z's are looking for WILLPOWER day and night.  They will eat junk food for the whole day.  YET they look for WILLPOWER.  They will NOT prioritize WHAT's truly important BUT they will look for WILLPOWER.  Pardon my words but some might just make 'stupid' choices BUT they will still look for WILLPOWER. DO WE NEED WILLPOWER๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Truthfully, WILLPOWER is the hardest path in today's crazy rough and tumble world.  You DON'T even need it.  It's just unnecessary.  Which reminds me of that RABBIT & TORTOISE story.  The rabbit DIDN'T prioritize strategy and slept a LOT.  So much so that it just forgot that things were NO more in its control.  Life is just like that.  Fine, I get it.  You crave for junk food a lot.  Just DON'T keep any junk in your home.  Then your craving will just vanish๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Studies showed that environment outperforms WILLPOWER.  Frankly, we are advised to chase the REAL DOPAMINE.  Name it.  Sunlight.  Healthy food.  Workout.  Talking to people in person.  Studies show that they are our REAL DOPAMINE buddies because they will boost us up for the whole day.  Like if you just workout for an hour in the morning, you WON'T give a damn how you FEEL๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Me thinks it's tough to shoot down the results of those studies on WILLPOWER because it proved that the boost in one's body is REAL.  Lying on the couch is NOT real.  It would make us an addict to DOPAMINE that turns our energy levels down, until you DON'T feel going to work❗❗❗

Let's take INSTAGRAM as an example.  You launch the app, scroll down, then things continue that way for an hour.  So you think you scrolled for an hour?  NO sirrrrs.  INSTAGRAM made you do that.  It took all your data from your behavior and made you their SLAVE.  What's our takeaway?  Studies show that WILLPOWER rarely works in today's world.  So, you just need to go for your REAL DOPAMINE buddies✅✅✅

Jealousy, Anyone?

Jealousy, Anyone?

Jealousy, Anyone? WHO has not been JEALOUS in his/her life?  Absolutely NO ONE, because we're all just humans. JEALOUSY will make us feel all kinds of things, name it.  It will make us feel as if NOTHING is going right in our life and that everyone around you is somehow much better and more capable than you.  JEALOUSY remains an essential feeling that we encounter sometimes in our lives๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

While for some the emotion surfaces a bit too easily, there are others WHO fail to feel JEALOUS, no matter how hard you try.  And sometimes we'll be wondering HOW can one NOT feel JEALOUS ever, right?  It's true.  Once you have complete FAITH IN YOURSELF, feeling JEALOUS won't be a common occurrence๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Realizing your self-worth is necessary OR you'll be drawn to bigger chunks of NEGATIVITY gripping your life.  People WHO get JEALOUS easily, face situational problems like inability to deal with difficult circumstances in a calm manner, killing the motivational drive and many more harmful impacts.  JEALOUSY makes you feel like giving up in times WHEN and WHERE it is necessary to SUCCEED๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

It then makes you feel LESS OF A PERSON than you actually are.  Your mind begins to critically analyze everything in a VERY negative sense.  You begin doubting the actions of people around you and critic every response OR action of theirs.  From our childhood, we were taught to TRUST and LOVE people around us.  WHEREAS the actions of JEALOUS people are extremely contrary to WHAT we were taught❎❎❎

Our takeaway here is that we should always be happy with WHAT we have been blessed with, and work hard to achieve our GOALS and ambitions.  JEALOUS people tend to undermine themselves and constantly compare themselves to others.  Oh Oh, that feeling itself will destroy one's faith in themselves.  Worse, it will slowly diminish your relationship[s] and friendship[s].  Do change overnight and DUMP JEALOUSY out the window, please❗❗❗

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What Can Keep Us Going

What Can Keep Us Going

Not to sound dramatic but let's paint horrifying scenarios like we're steering our ship through a wild, stormy sea.  Then the waves rear up like angry giants, crashing against your vessel.  Then, it feels like the world is throwing its worst at you, right?  Daring you to turn back.  BUT you stand firm at the helm, eyes fixed on the distant horizon.  So What Can Keep Us Going?  Oh yes, all our lives go through rollercoaster rides through storms and in that storm, your anchor comes down to one gritty word:  PERSEVERANCE, that determination that sets apart successful people apart from the rest of the pack.  Indeed, the FIRE KEEPS BURNING even after a series of setbacks.  It's that unwavering belief in your vision, the refusal to give up even when the odds seem insurmountable๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Well, well, well, PERSEVERANCE comes in a 'package deal' with purpose and a calling.  It keeps you going but the calling comes with a price if you decide to stick it out.  You may have 18-hour days for awhile BUT unless you have a lot of PASSION for your work OR your calling, you may NOT see your vision to come into fruition.  What drives PERSEVERANCE๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Undoubtedly, it all boils down to PASSION.  Otherwise, your PERSEVERANCE is often misguided by the wrong intentions.  PASSION is the engine that puts PERSEVERANCE into overdrive mode to think up BIG ideas, solve BIG problems, and make the world a better place.  NO passion, NO perseverance, it's as simple as that๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

We can try it ourselves BUT without PASSION and PERSEVERANCE, we CAN'T claim to have that tenacity that will cause us to fizzle out because our heart's NOT in it.  So, what will KEEP US GOING and KEEP THE FIRE BURNING?  First off, CLEARLY know your dream.  What's your END GAME?  Picture it vividly.  It could be having a thriving business OR leaving a mark in your calling✅✅✅

Follow that up by NEVER FORGETTING your flops.  Think of those setbacks that brought you and your knees down to the ground.  Each 'NO' in the signpost is pointing you in a different direction BUT that's NOT a dead-end.  It's a DETOUR instead.  And if needed, CHANGE TACTICS.  If one approach isn't working, try a different route.  Then in your 'SMALL WINS', TOAST for it.  The rat race we are in ISN'T  a sprint but a marathon.  Celebrate those little victories along the way to KEEP YOU GOING, to KEEP YOU MOTIVATED❗❗❗

When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong

In life, every trial will test us.  And when everything goes haywire, the temptation to quit is quite strong.  BUT, for those who press on, people get a chance to see WHO you really are WHEN everything ISN'T going your way.  That ability to keep your head and move forward is priceless.  There is always someone watching HOW you handle yourself WHEN THINGS GO WRONG๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Which reminds me of Nancy Solari, the legally blind CEO of Living Full Out and a popular author and motivational speaker.  And in one of her shared experiences, she says that although we do face occasional setbacks, each day is the result of 'INTENSE PLANNING', starting from her guide dog to the software and tools she would use.  All these despite the fact that she even experienced very extreme complications of her vision.  YET, she hurdled all those challenges by keeping close to her mantras๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Lifting from researches, most of those studies focus on a core list of mantras.  Primero, remember that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.  Sometimes, life's rough patches feel like they're going to last forever.  BUT the fact is, whether you're dealing with work-related issues, family problems, or other stressful situations, VERY FEW PROBLEMS, if at all, last for a lifetime๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Segundo, let us NOT forget that SOME THINGS ARE GOING RIGHT.  Indeed, when things are going WRONG, it's hard to recognize what is going RIGHT.  It's so easy to screen out the GOOD things and only focus on the BAD things.  Do remind yourself that some things are going RIGHT  Purposely look for the positive, even if it is something very small.  Tercero, remember that I HAVE "SOME" CONTROL.  One of the most important things to remember is that you have "SOME CONTROL" of the situation.  Even if you AREN'T in complete CONTROL of the situation, one thing you can always CONTROL is your attitude and reaction.  Focus on managing WHAT is within your CONTROL❗❗❗

Cuarto, always remember that MUCH OF THIS WON'T MATTER IN A FEW YEARS.  This truism stands out through the years and it can never be rebutted.  WHY?  Because the best secret out there is that TIME is our best ALLYTIME will give you that chance to 'LEASE FOR A NEW LIFE', that second chance to pick up the pieces [sometimes from the rubble].  In truth and in fact, MOST of the problems we worry about today WON'T actually matter five years from now.  Let us remind ourselves that WHATEVER is going WRONG now is only a small fraction of your actual life.  And even if you're dealing with a major PROBLEM, like a loved one's illness, remember that a lot of GOOD things are likely to happen n the course of a year or two.  So, WHEN THINGS GO WRONG, it's NOT the end of the world, NOT AT ALL, dude❎❎❎

Tuesday, February 6, 2024



No sirrrrs, our thread today has got nothing to do with pilots, aircrafts and flights.  Instead we'd like to dip our hands in that 'AUTOPILOT' which, to date, we know that it's an OPTION only available for pilots right there in the aircraft cockpit.  And we would like to take a leaf from their pages, whether 'AUTOPILOT' will help improve the way we steer our life๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Back to our life, if and when we live life in 'AUTOPILOT', we will experience the present moments passively while the routines are familiar and bring you a sense of comfort, you tend to 'ZONE OUT' and NOT engage with what you are doing.  We've all experienced this before.  You put on your headphones and tune into a podcast to go grocery or to the gym๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Our daily routines are designed to be monotonous and sometimes even boring so that we DON'T have to eXert eXtra energy thinking about these daily actions.  They are meant to set you up for SUCCESS so that you are prepared.  Problem is, WHEN we start on 'AUTOPILOT' constantly, without questioning our thoughts, habits and actions, we may sometimes get too comfortable and forget to challenge ourselves to do things differently๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Then, over time, we tend to accept the STATUS QUO as our truth and even as the 'ONLY WAY OF BEING'.  Instead of living on 'AUTOPILOT', isn't it time for us to live more consciously primarily because the 'BEAUTY IS IN THE PRESENT'.  So, WHAT do we do?  First off, let's go back on the DRIVER'S SEAT.  However, behaving intentionally is vital when we must think through a situation✅✅✅
Choosing which system to use is like getting back on the driver's seat and that's what we want, you decide when to go on 'AUTOPILOT' or NOT.  It's more comfortable to let life happen to you than making it happen.  BUT if your 'AUTOPILOT'  is always 'ON', you are just existing, NOT living.  So, ARE YOU IN 'AUTOPILOT'❓❓❓

Is Passion Still 'IN'?

Is Passion Still 'IN'?

If there is something everyone agrees in life, it is the fact that PASSION is the powerful driving force that fuels our dream, propels us through challenges and brings a SENSE OF PURPOSE to our lives.  It is the spark that ignites creativity, motivation, and a deep commitment to WHAT we love. In a world Is Passion Still 'IN'❓❓❓

In a world where PASSION often takes the backseat to the demands of our daily life, the question to us is HOW CAN WE REKINDLE that inner fire and live a life filled with PURPOSEBUT before deep diving into this thread, let us align with regard PASSION.  It is NOT just a fleeting emotion.  It is a profound and sustained enthusiasm for a specific activity, goal or cause๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

PASSION is a deep-seated love for something that drives you to invest time, energy and effort into its pursuit.  Whether it's about your career, a hobby, a relationship OR a personal mission, PASSION is what makes life truly meaningful.  BUT here's the thing, even if you feel you got that PASSION now, please NEVER rest on your laurels but instead, continue to pursue and sustain PASSION๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So, WHY don't we rediscover PASSION more than what we know now. To be PASSIONATE about something, the very first basic rule is to first discover WHAT truly excites you.  And the key things here are one's SELF-REFLECTION and that urge to EXPLORE.  So, how can we uncover our TRUE PASSIONS yet unnoticed❓❓❓

WHAT activities make you lose track of time?  WHAT are your core values and beliefs?  WHAT would you do if you had all the money in the world?  WHAT issues or causes do you deeply care about?  Your 'honest' answers to these 'WHAT' questions should lead you to uncork those PASSIONS you need to pursue.  So, yes, PASSION IS STILL "IN"❗❗❗

Monday, February 5, 2024

Relationship 101

Relationship 101

Before kickstarting this thread, please allow me to unconditionally declare that I am NOT Relationship guru at all.  I had my fair share of UPs and DOWNs and even at this phase in my life, NO WAY will I even dream of coveting the level of a guru because even a zillion light years ahead, I would admit I DON'T have the qualifying credentials to give me that mantle of authority, NOT when it comes to Relationship 101.  Instead, whatever I impart are sharings culled from my travails in life, all the peaks and valleys I went through, hoping that by sharing my thoughts, we could spread out the GOOD tidings๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

BTW, a fulfilling and lasting relationship DOESN'T happen by accident.  Neither is it FOUND nor given on a silver platter.  Instead, it requires intention, commitment, and [damn] HARD WORK from both partners. So, if we want to build a SOLID foundation based on trust, respect and passion, we must be willing to cultivate the essential elements that serve as the building blocks of a healthy bond.  And by consciously integrating these pillars into the relationship.   An unshakeable foundation will lead towards transforming a relationship into one that thrives and grows stronger over time๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

So, before we get lost in the maze, let's FOCUS on the RELATIONSHIP FOUNDATION which refers to the core pillars and principles that provide a strong base for a healthy and thriving partnership.  This foundation determines how two people connect, interact, and relate to one another.  It establishes the degree of trust, respect, honesty, and commitment that anchors the bond.  A weak foundation leads to instability, uncertainty, and worst, disconnection.  BUT a strong foundation allows a relationship to flourish and weather even the worst inevitable storms in life๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Now, can we guess who is a couple's BEST ALLY when there is widespread combination of apathy, doubt and pessimism in a budding relationship?  Our and your best ally is TIME.  I have witnessed relationships at its infancy stage where even relatives were doubtful that that relationship will flourish and last through the years.  BUT rather get into a needless argument with those naysayers, after ten years, a couple can proudly beat their chest that finally they have silenced the doubting Thomases๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

What has been pitched and preached a million times are TRUST, RESPECT and COMMUNICATIONS being the cornerstones of a relationship's foundation BUT what is often overlooked are the SHARED VALUES, the common core values and compatible life goals are significant glue in a relationship.  Couples need to share even ethical values around family, spirituality, communications, finances and way beyond those core values.  And while differences will arise, a fundamental shared view would go a long way to smoothen conflicts.  To cap this all, let's reinforce way beyond RELATIONSHIP 101❗❗❗

Are FLASHLIGHTS Still Relevant?

Are FLASHLIGHTS Still Relevant?

Are FLASHLIGHTS Still Relevant?  In today's digital age, just the word itself, 'FLASHLIGHT' will evoke reactions like it's part of the Jurassic Era.  NOT TOO FAST dude.  Let's spend today's thread to give me the chance to resuscitate the ICU-like stage of a FLASHLIGHT's role๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต
This morning, this Facebook sharing 'hit me home'.  WHEN A FLASHLIGHT GROWS DIM or QUITS WORKING, DO YOU JUST THROW IT AWAY?  OF COURSE NOT.  YOU CHANGE THE BATTERIES. WHEN A PERSON MESSES UP, DO YOU CAST THEM ASIDE?  OF COURSE NOT.  YOU HELP THEM CHANGE THEIR BATTERIES.  SOME NEED AA - for attention & affection.  SOME NEED AAA - for attention, affection & acceptance.  SOME NEED C - for compassion.  SOME NEED D - direction๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Well said.  Indeed, it is true that many creative types are more inspired during the DARK TIMES we encounter in life.  And personally, I found that profound DARKNESS hinders creativity, and that my own 'creative juices' flow best when there's a balance between the darkness and the light.  People who know me quite well enough view me as someone who REACHES FOR THE LIGHT as much as possible with NO hesitation, even if it appears that I seem to be SEEKING HELP from others๐Ÿ”ฆ๐Ÿ”ฆ๐Ÿ”ฆ
Some people, after going through their own DARKNESS, may easily move on OR 'get on with it' while others tend to linger in that DARKNESS.  Perhaps this has something to do with acknowledging or being mindful of one's SHADOW side.  The SHADOW may be thought of as the 'DUMPING GROUND' for undesirable traits or those characteristics that have NOT been brought into our consciousness❎❎❎
Those traits that we find distasteful in others are often CLUES to the characteristics of our SHADOW sides.  It has been said that we CANNOT know the LIGHT without experiencing the DARKNESS but at the same time, both DARK and LIGHT experiences are great teachers.  In fact, both GROWTH and TRANSFORMATION are born out of the DARKNESS.  Do we agree now that FLASHLIGHTS ARE THAT RELEVANT❗❗❗

Sunday, February 4, 2024



In the new economy, VALUE isn't where it once was.  Solid, quantifiable assets like plants, equipment and inventory are now often far less indicative of a company's VALUE than INTANGIBLES like ideas, relationships,  and expertise.  This is When INTANGIBLES Matter.  Companies like Microsoft  and Google are at the 'top of the world' because of their INTANGIBLES.  But the truth is, as humans, we generally place a lot more importance on the tangible aspects of life as opposed to the INTANGIBLES.  We like to see, feel, touch, hear, and taste.  Our senses are acute and we need those senses served and stimulated๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

TANGIBLE thing is something that can be touched, that can be palpated.  Something real and concrete.  That's WHAT we mostly desire.  The rat race in life is a perfect example of this TANGIBLE quality enthralls us.  And if it is NOT happening now, if the business is NOT growing, NOT making profit, it's NOT a VALUE to us.  If we DON'T get WHAT we want now, the venture is deemed a failure.  Where's the profit?  Success❓❓❓

So, that's the harsh reality.  Our lives are so rushed, so intense, so packed now that we must see tne TANGIBLES quickly, otherwise we will lose hope.  We want results RIGHT AWAY.  PATIENCE has been thrown out the window.  Instead of focusing on the HARD WORK and sustained dedication to the plan at hand, we focus on the results, the rewards๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

That's our common weakness as a human.  The 'FEEL GOOD' results and outcomes that we connect with better.  Those palpable results!  We want to skip over the process to hold the results in our hands.  We want the TANGIBLES right now, the part of the process we can identify with, because others can also see them and we attribute our VALUE to those TANGIBLES✅✅✅

BUT c'mon dude, let's NOT debate that the INTANGIBLES have the most VALUE.  Those aspects of our lives that we CAN'T measure, touch or palpate are the most valuable. Education.  Dedication.  Self-confidence.  Faith.  Loyalty, and the list goes on, these are examples of INTANGIBLES in our lives.  We just CAN'T skip over these ever-so-important INTANGIBLE traits just because we are so focused on tangible results❌❌❌

Straight from my thought processes...

Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad

Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad Yes, Friendship Breakups Can Be That Bad.  We might think this is NOT worth to be our thread today ...

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