When It Does NOT Gain Traction
Many things in life do NOT gain traction right on the first try. BTW, some could have tried things out for the umpteenth time all in vain. So how?When It Does NOT Gain Traction, what do we do? Give up instantly? Or retry till we drop dead? No sirrrrs, either way, it does NOT work that way. For obvious reasons, why give up INSTANTLY? On the other hand, let us take the extreme scenario when and where someone just keeps retrying and retrying forever?Now comes social media all over the place. As a first-person account, I did bear witness to people who just never gave up after falling flat a hundred times. No thanks to social media, someone can keep reaching out via FB, via twitter, name it. Does that make sense when it does NOT gain TractionSo, what exactly is traction? Why fuss much about it? Simple. Gaining or NOT gaining traction is your very bellwether. It tells us if we started things on the right or wrong foot. While it does not guarantee that you will succeed on that endeavor, it does give us the affirmation that you are on the right path, right trackNo need to look far. Those successful athletes finally made their mark after arduous tries and trials and they all went through a game plan that was formulated not for the short-term but even for the long-term. But how and what made them decide to pursue that long-term game plan? It is because, at its earliest stages, they confirmed gaining traction because they were slowly seeing the fruits of their hard work, albeit in small drips and drops.Where and when you DON'T gain traction, what do you do? Simple. Go back to the drawing board. Reset. Reboot. Revalidate because things are way off mark. This holds water especially in relationships. If you and your partner/spouse have been in 'turmoil' in extended periods, re-examine, reboot and restart the relationship❗❗❗